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- SB 5311 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Proyecto de Ley 1207 de la Cámara asfd Visite la página de factura RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo PUNTOS A CONSIDERAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO DE LEY Ejemplo CÓMO PARTICIPAR Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Chat INICIAR SESIÓN PRO, CON u OTRO This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Editar PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO ESCRITO Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. Video TESTIFICAR VIRTUALMENTE Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Usuario TESTIFICAR EN PERSONA To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- HB 1432 and SB 5474 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Proyecto de Ley 1207 de la Cámara asfd Visite la página de factura RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo PUNTOS A CONSIDERAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO DE LEY Ejemplo CÓMO PARTICIPAR Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Chat INICIAR SESIÓN PRO, CON u OTRO This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Editar PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO ESCRITO Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. Video TESTIFICAR VIRTUALMENTE Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Usuario TESTIFICAR EN PERSONA To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- HB 1479 and SB 5559 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Proyecto de Ley 1207 de la Cámara asfd Visite la página de factura RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo PUNTOS A CONSIDERAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO DE LEY Ejemplo CÓMO PARTICIPAR Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Chat INICIAR SESIÓN PRO, CON u OTRO This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Editar PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO ESCRITO Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. Video TESTIFICAR VIRTUALMENTE Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Usuario TESTIFICAR EN PERSONA To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- Youth In Action | Youth Advocacy Hub
YOUTH IN ACTION Check out some of the many ways young people across the state are engaging in education advocacy and making their voices heard. Youth-Authored Blog Post and Policy on Inclusive Education The Legislative Youth Advisory Council (LYAC) worked hard to put forth a bill this session that focuses on inclusive curriculum in schools. They published blogs like this one to promote their ideas and garner support. Although their bill, SB 5441, did not advance, its elements of it were included in a different bill, SB 5462, that is moving through the legislative process. Click here to read their blog post about this topic. Youth Self-Advocates Participate in Advocacy Week Panel for Special Education This past January, young people from across the state shared their experiences with the special education system in Washington and their ideas for creating stronger, more inclusive school environments. Students from the Student Potential Youth Advisory Council participated in an Advocacy Week with the Investing in Student Potential coalition, and they worked together to advocate for themselves and others. Check out the highlight video to see them in action. Student Testifies in Legislative Session about Inclusive Curriculum Watch Molly Reagan (student and member of the Root of Our Youth) testify on House Bill 1807 during the 2022 legislative session and advocate for the importance of inclusive, diverse curriculum in Washington public schools. Want to share your voice? We are looking for young people interested in producing blogs, op-eds, video essays, and other advocacy pieces about an education issue that matters to them. Fill out the form below for more information on how to participate! First name Last name Email Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting!
- About this Hub | Youth Advocacy Hub
Creemos que los estudiantes son lo primero. Y que los estudiantes merecen un mayor acceso a las políticas, los procesos y las personas que dan forma a su educación. Este centro comenzó como una forma de... etc. League of Education Voters Foundations envisions a system where every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides equitable opportunities for success. College Spark Washington supports the postsecondary dreams of students and their communities through grantmaking focused on dismantling racism in the education system.
- SB 5441 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Proyecto de Ley 1207 de la Cámara asfd Visite la página de factura RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo PUNTOS A CONSIDERAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO DE LEY Ejemplo CÓMO PARTICIPAR Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Chat INICIAR SESIÓN PRO, CON u OTRO This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Editar PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO ESCRITO Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. Video TESTIFICAR VIRTUALMENTE Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Usuario TESTIFICAR EN PERSONA To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- SB 5019 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Proyecto de Ley del Senado 5019 Este proyecto de ley garantizaría que los fondos destinados a contratar enfermeras, consejeros, trabajadores sociales y psicólogos en las escuelas no se puedan utilizar para contratar oficiales de recursos escolares (SRO) y otro personal de seguridad escolar. Visite la página de factura ANTECEDENTES Los legisladores aprobaron Proyecto de ley de la Cámara 1664 durante la sesión legislativa del estado de Washington del año pasado (2022) para ayudar a proporcionar recursos adicionales para apoyar el bienestar físico, social y emocional de los estudiantes. Proporcionó fondos adicionales para que los distritos escolares contrataran profesionales como enfermeras, consejeros, trabajadores sociales y psicólogos escolares. También creó una nueva categoría de personal denominada Personal de Apoyo Físico, Social y Emocional (PSES) que abarcaría puestos como estos. La legislación que requiere que todos los distritos reciban fondos de este proyecto de ley debe usarse para contratar personal que se ajuste a esta nueva categoría de personal. Como parte de esto, la Oficina del Superintendente de Instrucción Pública (OSPI) se encargó de desarrollar reglas sobre cómo los distritos pueden implementar la nueva legislación y especificar qué puestos de personal exactos pueden incluirse en la categoría de trabajo de PSES._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239- 9149-20813d6c673b_ Al desarrollar estas reglas, OSPI incluyó personal de seguridad escolar (también conocido como Oficiales de recursos escolares o SRO) en la categoría de personal de PSES. Esto significa que los distritos pueden optar por gastar estos nuevos fondos, que estaban destinados a abordar la salud mental de los estudiantes, en SRO. RESUMEN El Proyecto de Ley del Senado 5019 eliminaría la capacidad de los distritos de usar estos nuevos fondos del año pasado en seguridad escolar personal . La propuesta eliminaría el lenguaje del proyecto de ley que hizo que OSPI sintiera que el personal de seguridad escolar debería incluirse como un uso permitido de estos nuevos fondos durante el proceso de elaboración de reglas. Eliminar este texto del proyecto de ley probablemente eliminaría otros puestos de personal (más allá de los SRO) que actualmente están incluidos en la categoría de personal de PSES . Sin embargo, en este momento no se conoce la gama completa de puestos exactos que se incluirán en la categoría PSES. Corresponderá a OSPI determinar más específicamente qué personal está y no está incluido, en caso de que este proyecto de ley se convierta en ley. Este cambio no afectaría la capacidad de los distritos para usar estos fondos para contratar puestos como consejeros, enfermeras, trabajadores sociales o psicólogos. PUNTOS A CONSIDERAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO DE LEY Este proyecto de ley solo prohibiría a los distritos usar estos nuevos fondos (que tenían como objetivo ayudar a abordar la crisis de salud mental de los estudiantes) para contratar SRO y otro personal de seguridad escolar. No tendría ningún impacto en las fuentes de financiación existentes para las SRO ni impediría que los distritos utilicen otras fuentes de financiación para contratar personal de seguridad escolar. CÓMO PARTICIPAR Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Chat INICIAR SESIÓN PRO, CON u OTRO This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Editar PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO ESCRITO Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. Video TESTIFICAR VIRTUALMENTE Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Usuario TESTIFICAR EN PERSONA To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- SB 5712 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Proyecto de Ley 1207 de la Cámara asfd Visite la página de factura RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo PUNTOS A CONSIDERAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO DE LEY Ejemplo CÓMO PARTICIPAR Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Chat INICIAR SESIÓN PRO, CON u OTRO This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Editar PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO ESCRITO Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. Video TESTIFICAR VIRTUALMENTE Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Usuario TESTIFICAR EN PERSONA To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- HB 1541 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Proyecto de Ley 1207 de la Cámara asfd Visite la página de factura RESUMEN Ejemplo Ejemplo PUNTOS A CONSIDERAR SOBRE ESTE PROYECTO DE LEY Ejemplo CÓMO PARTICIPAR Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Chat INICIAR SESIÓN PRO, CON u OTRO This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Editar PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO ESCRITO Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. Video TESTIFICAR VIRTUALMENTE Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Usuario TESTIFICAR EN PERSONA To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website