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- 2024 Policy Resources | Youth Advocacy Hub
Молодые люди заслуживают более широкого доступа к политике, процессам и людям, формирующим их образование. ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ РЕСУРСЫ Все приведенные ниже законопроекты приняты на законодательной сессии штата Вашингтон в 2023 году, и в настоящее время они обсуждаются и обсуждаются законодателями. У молодых людей и других защитников есть много возможностей принять меры и принять участие в решении каждого из этих вопросов. Вот некоторые законопроекты, которые могут представлять особый интерес для молодежи и других лиц, занимающихся защитой интересов образования. Почаще проверяйте наличие дополнений к этим ресурсам. BILLS IN THE 2024 LEGISLATIVE SESSION House Bill 2494 This bill would generate more funding for materials, supplies, and operating costs in schools. This bill is progressing. Learn more House Bill 2180 / Senate Bill 6014 These bills would increase the funded enrollment cap for special education. House Bill 2180 is progressing (the Senate companion is not) Learn more House Bill 1960 / Senate Bill 5882 These bills would increase funding for teaching assistants and/or other staff available to schools. Senate Bill 5882 is progressing (the House companion is not) Learn more Youth Development Budget Proviso This budget proviso would create state funding for before and after school enrichment activities. Parts of this budget request are progressing. Learn more House Bill 2374 This bill establishes the WA promise program. This bill is not progressing. Learn more House Bill 2331 / Senate Bill 6208 These bills aim to restrict book bans in schools and establish procedures for reviewing instructional materials. House Bill 2331 is progressing (the Senate companion is not) Learn more House Bill 2214 / Senate Bill 6300 This bill would make students receiving certain types of food assistance automatically eligible for WA's College Grant. House Bill 2214 is progressing (the Senate companion is not) Learn more House Bill 2309 This bill would create the WA Free Guarantee program to expand free access to community and technical colleges. This bill is not progressing. Learn more Senate Bill 5904 This bill would extend the terms of eligibility for financial aid programs. This bill is progressing. Learn more Senate Bill 5999 This bill would expand eligibility for financial aid. This bill is not progressing. Learn more House Bill 2443 / Senate Bill 6053 This bill would lessen the administrative burden for districts trying to share financial aid opportunities with students. These bills are not progressing. Learn more House Bill 2130 This bill would extend special education services to those who turn 22 in a school year. This bill is not progressing. Learn more Select one or more categories to filter bills. Curriculum & Instruction Funding Postsecondary Access School-to-Prison Pipeline Special Education Student Health & Safety What kinds of bills are you interested in learning more about? Хотите получить дополнительную информацию о конкретном законопроекте об образовании или теме? Оставьте нам сообщение, используя красную кнопку «Связаться с нами», и мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы предоставить вам то, что вам нужно, и добавить запрошенные ресурсы.
- HB 1701 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Закон о доме 1207 asfd Посетите страницу Билла РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Пример КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- SB 5019 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Законопроект Сената 5019 Этот законопроект гарантирует, что средства, предназначенные для найма медсестер, консультантов, социальных работников и психологов в школах, не могут быть использованы для найма сотрудников школьных ресурсов (SRO) и другого персонала школьной безопасности. Посетите страницу Билла ЗАДНИЙ ПЛАН Законодатели прошли Законопроект Палаты представителей 1664 во время прошлогодней законодательной сессии штата Вашингтон (2022 г.), чтобы помочь предоставить дополнительные ресурсы для поддержки физического, социального и эмоционального благополучия учащихся. Он предоставил школьным округам дополнительное финансирование для найма таких специалистов, как медсестры, консультанты, социальные работники и школьные психологи. Он также создал новую категорию персонала под названием «Персонал физической, социальной и эмоциональной поддержки» (PSES), которая будет охватывать такие должности. Законодательство требовало, чтобы все округа, получающие финансирование от этого законопроекта, использовались для найма персонала, подпадающего под эту новую штатную категорию. В рамках этого Управлению суперинтенданта общественного просвещения (OSPI) было поручено разработать правила того, как округа могут применять новое законодательство, и указать, какие именно штатные должности могут быть включены в категорию должностей PSES._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239- 9149-20813d6c673b_ При разработке этих правил OSPI включил сотрудников службы безопасности школ (они же SRO) в штатную категорию PSES. Это означает, что округа могут по своему усмотрению тратить эти новые средства, предназначенные для решения проблем психического здоровья учащихся, на СРО. РЕЗЮМЕ Сенатский законопроект 5019 лишает округа возможности использовать это новое финансирование с прошлого года для школьной безопасности. персонал . В предложении будет удалена формулировка законопроекта, из-за которой OSPI считает, что школьная служба безопасности должна быть включена в число разрешенных способов использования этих новых средств в процессе разработки правил. Удаление этой формулировки законопроекта, вероятно, приведет к удалению других штатных должностей (помимо СРО), которые в настоящее время включены в штатную категорию PSES. . Однако в настоящее время неизвестен полный диапазон точных позиций, которые должны быть включены в категорию PSES. Если этот законопроект станет законом, OSPI должен будет более конкретно определить, какие сотрудники будут включены, а какие нет. Это изменение не повлияет на способность округов использовать эти средства для найма таких должностей, как консультанты, медсестры, социальные работники или психологи. ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Этот законопроект запрещает округам использовать это новое финансирование (которое было предназначено для преодоления кризиса психического здоровья учащихся) только для найма СРО и другого персонала школьной безопасности. Это не повлияет на существующие источники финансирования СРО и не помешает округам использовать другие источники финансирования для найма сотрудников школьной безопасности. КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- HB 1207 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Закон о доме 1207 asfd Посетите страницу Билла РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Пример КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- HB 1436 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Закон о доме 1207 asfd Посетите страницу Билла РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Пример КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- 2023 Policy Resources | Youth Advocacy Hub
Young people deserve greater access to the policies, processes, and people shaping their education. POLICY RESOURCES All of the bills below were from the Washington state 2023 legislative session, and they were all discussed and debated by legislators. In every session, there are many opportunities for young people and other advocates to take action and get involved in these issues. These were some bills that may have been of particular interest to young people and others in the education advocacy space. Accountability to Students School-to-Prison Pipeline Student Mental Health Funding Student Needs Inclusive Curriculum Postsecondary Access State Budget (23-25) Senate Bill 5237 [Bill has not progressed] This is a bill about how students and families can file formal complaints at school. Learn More House Bill 1207 [Bill is progressing] This bill is about how schools can better prevent harassment, bullying, and discrimination. Learn More House Bill 1541 [Bill has not progressed] This bill would make sure people with lived experience are better included in government processes. Learn More House Bill 1479 & Senate Bill 5559 Learn More [Bills are not progressing] This bill bans the use of isolation and many forms of restraint in Washington schools. House Bill 1701 Learn More [Bill is progressing] This bill increases oversight of basic education for justice-involved youth in institutional education programs. House Bill 1432 and Senate Bill 5474 Learn More [Bills are not progressing] This bill would ensure young people are not forced to pay fines and fees if charged or convicted of a crime. House Bill 1071 Learn More [Bill is not progressing] This bill would require every school to have a School Resource Officer (also known as an SRO). House Bill 1436 [Bill is progressing] This bill would significantly increase funding for special education in Washington. Learn More Senate Bill 5311 [Bill is not progressing] This bill would also increase funding for special education in Washington. Learn More House Bill 1386 [Bill is not progressing] This bill would dedicate state funding towards youth development programs across Washington. Learn More Senate Bill 5601 [Bill is not progressing] This bill would establish an Office of Youth Development and institutionalize a state funding stream for these programs. Learn More House Bill 1238 & Senate Bill 5339 [HB 1238 is progressing] These are companion bills about providing free school meals in schools across Washington. Learn More Senate Bill 5019 [Bill is not progressing] This bill would make sure funding that was meant for mental health supports at school cannot be used to hire School Resource Officers (SROs). Learn More Senate Bill 5441 [Bill is not progressing] This bill would establish new efforts to ensure school curricula is diverse and inclusive of people from all backgrounds, cultures, and identities. Learn More House Bill 1232 [Bill is progressing] This bill would change eligibility for the College Bound Scholarship so that students who graduate with low GPAs are not immediately disqualified from the program. Learn More Senate Bill 5712 [Bill is not progressing] This bill would expand eligibility for the Washington College Grant and help increase financial access to postsecondary opportunities. Learn More Compare Budget Proposals Explore a comparison of how the Governor, House, and Senate are all proposing we invest in education for the next biennium (2023-2025). Learn More Eager for more information about a particular education bill or topic? Leave us a message using the red "Contact Us" button, and we will do our best to get you what you need and add requested resources.
- SB 5601 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Закон о доме 1207 asfd Посетите страницу Билла РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Пример КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- HB 1479 and SB 5559 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Закон о доме 1207 asfd Посетите страницу Билла РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Пример КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- About this Hub | Youth Advocacy Hub
Мы считаем, что студенты на первом месте. И что учащиеся заслуживают более широкого доступа к политике, процессам и людям, формирующим их образование. Этот хаб начинался как способ... и т.д. League of Education Voters Foundations envisions a system where every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides equitable opportunities for success. College Spark Washington supports the postsecondary dreams of students and their communities through grantmaking focused on dismantling racism in the education system.
- SB 5311 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Закон о доме 1207 asfd Посетите страницу Билла РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Пример КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- HB 1238 and SB 5339 | Youth Advocacy Hub
Закон о доме 1207 asfd Посетите страницу Билла РЕЗЮМЕ Пример Пример ВОПРОСЫ, КОТОРЫЕ НУЖНО ОБСУЖДАТЬ ПО ЭТОМУ ЗАКОНУ Пример КАК УЧАСТВОВАТЬ Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing Чат ВОЙТИ PRO, CON или ДРУГОЕ This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. Редактировать ПОДАТЬ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. видео СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНО Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. Пользователь СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВОВАТЬ ЛИЧНО To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website
- Youth In Action | Youth Advocacy Hub
YOUTH IN ACTION Check out some of the many ways young people across the state are engaging in education advocacy and making their voices heard. Youth-Authored Blog Post and Policy on Inclusive Education The Legislative Youth Advisory Council (LYAC) worked hard to put forth a bill this session that focuses on inclusive curriculum in schools. They published blogs like this one to promote their ideas and garner support. Although their bill, SB 5441, did not advance, its elements of it were included in a different bill, SB 5462, that is moving through the legislative process. Click here to read their blog post about this topic. Youth Self-Advocates Participate in Advocacy Week Panel for Special Education This past January, young people from across the state shared their experiences with the special education system in Washington and their ideas for creating stronger, more inclusive school environments. Students from the Student Potential Youth Advisory Council participated in an Advocacy Week with the Investing in Student Potential coalition, and they worked together to advocate for themselves and others. Check out the highlight video to see them in action. Student Testifies in Legislative Session about Inclusive Curriculum Watch Molly Reagan (student and member of the Root of Our Youth) testify on House Bill 1807 during the 2022 legislative session and advocate for the importance of inclusive, diverse curriculum in Washington public schools. Want to share your voice? We are looking for young people interested in producing blogs, op-eds, video essays, and other advocacy pieces about an education issue that matters to them. Fill out the form below for more information on how to participate! First name Last name Email Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting!