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参议院法案 5019

该法案将确保用于雇用学校护士、辅导员、社会工作者和心理学家的资金不能用于雇用学校资源官员 (SRO) 和其他学校安全人员。


立法者通过 众议院法案 1664 ​在去年的华盛顿州立法会议期间(2022 年)帮助提供额外的资源来支持学生的身体、社交和情感健康。它为学区提供额外资金,以聘请护士、辅导员、社会工作者和学校心理学家等专业人士。它还创建了一个新的工作人员类别,称为身体、社会和情感支持人员 (PSES),其中包括此类职位。


立法要求所有从该法案中获得的资助区必须用于雇用适合这一新人员配置类别的员工。作为其中的一部分,公共教育总监办公室 (OSPI) 负责制定有关地区如何实施新立法的规则,并指定哪些确切的员工职位可以包含在 PSES 工作类别中。_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239- 9149-20813d6c673b_ 在制定这些规则时,OSPI 将学校安全人员(又名学校资源官员或 SRO)纳入 PSES 人员配置类别。这意味着学区可以选择将这些旨在解决学生心理健康问题的新资金用于 SRO。


  • 参议院第 5019 号法案将取消学区使用去年用于学校安全的新资金的能力人员.该提案将删除使 OSPI 认为在规则制定过程中学校安保人员应被允许使用这些新资金的法案语言。 

  • 删除此法案语言可能会删除目前包含在 PSES 人员配置类别中的其他员工职位(SRO 之外).但是,目前尚不清楚要包含在 PSES 类别中的所有确切位置。如果该法案成为法律,将由 OSPI 更具体地确定哪些员工包括在内,哪些不包括在内。这一变化不会影响学区使用这些资金聘请辅导员、护士、社会工作者或心理学家等职位的能力。


  • 该法案只会禁止学区使用这笔新资金(旨在帮助解决学生心理健康危机)来雇用 SRO 和其他学校保安人员。它不会对 SRO 的现有资金来源产生影响,也不会阻止学区使用其他资金来源来雇用学校保安人员。


Steps to Get Started

  1. Learn where the bill is in the legislative process.
  2. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action.
  3. If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators.
  4. Spread the word and get other people on board.

Participating in a Hearing

登录 PRO、CON 或其他

This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill.


Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing.


Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 


To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room.

Using the WA Legislature Website

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