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"" 검색 결과: 20개의 아이템

  • HB 1238 and SB 5339 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    하우스 빌 1207 asfd 빌 페이지 방문 요약 예 ​​ 예​ 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 예 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • SB 5019 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    상원 법안 5019 이 법안은 학교에서 간호사, 카운슬러, 사회 복지사 및 심리학자를 고용하기 위한 자금이 학교 자원 담당관(SRO) 및 기타 학교 보안 요원을 고용하는 데 사용될 수 없도록 합니다. 빌 페이지 방문 배경 국회의원 통과 하우스 빌 1664 ​ 작년 워싱턴주 입법 회기(2022) 동안 학생들의 신체적, 사회적, 정서적 건강을 지원하기 위한 추가 자원을 제공하는 데 도움을 주기 위해. 그것은 학군이 간호사, 카운슬러, 사회 복지사 및 학교 심리학자와 같은 전문가를 고용할 수 있도록 추가 자금을 제공했습니다. 또한 이와 같은 직책을 포괄하는 PSES(Physical, Social, and Emotional Support Staff)라는 새로운 범주의 직원을 만들었습니다. 모든 기금 지구가 이 법안에서 받는 법안은 이 새로운 직원 범주에 맞는 직원을 고용하는 데 사용해야 합니다. 그 일환으로 OSPI(Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction)는 교육구가 새 법안을 이행할 수 있는 방법에 대한 규칙을 개발하고 PSES 직업 범주에 포함될 수 있는 정확한 직원 위치를 지정하는 일을 맡았습니다._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239- 9149-20813d6c673b_ 이러한 규칙을 개발할 때 OSPI는 PSES 직원 범주에 학교 보안 담당자(일명 School Resource Officer 또는 SRO)를 포함시켰습니다. 이는 교육구가 학생 정신 건강 문제를 해결하기 위한 이 새로운 자금을 SRO에 사용하도록 선택할 수 있음을 의미합니다. 요약 상원 법안 5019는 학군이 학교 보안에 대해 작년부터 이 새로운 자금을 사용할 수 있는 능력을 제거할 것입니다. 인원 . 이 제안은 OSPI가 학교 보안 요원이 규칙 제정 과정에서 이러한 새로운 자금의 허용 가능한 사용으로 포함되어야 한다고 느끼게 하는 법안 문구를 제거할 것입니다. 이 법안 언어를 제거하면 현재 PSES 직원 범주에 포함된 다른 직원 위치(SRO 이외)가 제거될 수 있습니다. . 그러나 PSES 범주에 포함될 정확한 위치의 전체 범위는 현재로서는 알 수 없습니다. 이 법안이 법으로 제정될 경우 포함되는 직원과 포함되지 않는 직원을 보다 구체적으로 결정하는 것은 OSPI에 달려 있습니다. 이 변경 사항은 카운셀러, 간호사, 사회 복지사 또는 심리학자와 같은 직책을 고용하기 위해 이러한 자금을 사용하는 교육구의 능력에 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 이 법안은 학군이 SRO 및 기타 학교 보안 담당자를 고용하기 위해 이 새로운 기금(학생 정신 건강 위기를 해결하는 데 도움이 되도록 의도됨)을 사용하는 것을 허용하지 않을 뿐입니다. 그것은 SRO에 대한 기존 자금원에 영향을 미치지 않거나 학군이 학교 보안 요원을 고용하기 위해 다른 자금원을 사용하는 것을 방지합니다. 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • SB 5237 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    상원 법안 5237 이 법안은 학군이 주의 민권, 징계 규칙 및 기타 법률을 적절하게 준수하지 않는 것을 볼 때 학생, 학부모 및 지역 사회 구성원이 사용할 수 있는 불만 처리 절차를 만들 것입니다. 빌 페이지 방문 요약 이 법안은 학군이 다음 영역에서 주법을 따르지 않을 때 누구든지 불만을 제기할 수 있는 절차를 만듭니다. ​ ​ 차별과 성희롱을 포함한 시민권​ ​ 괴롭힘, 위협 또는 따돌림 ​ 교육 자료 변경과 관련된 교육 과정 요구 사항 및 정책 ​ 구속 또는 격리 사용 ​ 학생 규율 이러한 불만 사항은 한 사람의 개별 사건에 대한 응답일 수도 있고, 더 광범위한 학생 그룹 또는 학군의 모든 학생과 관련된 "광범위한 불만 사항"으로 등록될 수도 있습니다._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 개별 불만을 제기하기 전에 먼저 주법에 따라 기존 불만 절차를 모두 완료해야 합니다. "광범위한 불만"은 특정 학생 그룹이 인종, 성별, 성적 취향, 장애, 시민권 또는 이민자 신분 등에 따라 동료들과 다르게 대우받는 방식에 관한 것일 수 있습니다. OSPI(Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction)는 다음을 담당합니다. 설립 and 관리 불만 조사 절차. OSPI가 학군에서 주법을 준수하지 않는 것을 발견하면 교육구 교육감과 교육 위원회는 학교 커뮤니티 및 OSPI와 협력하여 준수 계획​을 개발, 채택 및 제출해야 합니다. 이 계획을 제출하기 전에 교육 위원회는 이에 대한 공청회를 열고 대중의 의견을 수렴해야 합니다. ​ 교육구에서 이러한 비준수 행위가 고의적인 것으로 판명되면 준수할 때까지 진행 중인 공청회를 개최해야 하며 OSPI는 교육구에 다음과 같은 결과를 부과할 수 있습니다. 심지어 기본 교육 자금을 보류합니다. 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 ​ "광범위한 불만 사항" 범주의 생성은 교육구가 그들이 서비스를 제공하는 학생들을 위해 주법을 공평하게 이행하지 못하는 것에 주의를 환기시키는 귀중한 메커니즘이 될 수 있습니다. 또한 워싱턴 전역의 복합 지구에서 유사하고 광범위한 불만 사항이 발견되면 주법에 따라 모든 학생(특히 장애 학생, 유색인 학생, 등).​ OSPI는 워싱턴 주의 공교육과 관련된 모든 문제를 감독합니다. OSPI가 이 프로세스를 관리하는 기관이 되는 것은 내재된 이해 상충일 수 있습니다. 복합 지구에 걸친 광범위한 불만은 OSPI가 학생들의 시민권 및 교육적 권리를 준수하고 보호하도록 보장하는 시스템적 실패를 지적합니다. 관리 기관으로서 OSPI는 이러한 광범위한 불만 사항이 이러한 시스템 실패 중 일부에 대한 책임이 있음을 폭로하는 경우 장점이 있다고 판단하지 않을 것입니다. 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • HB 1071 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    하우스 빌 1207 이 법안은 워싱턴의 모든 학교에 상근 법집행관(학교 자원관 또는 SRO) 또는 학교 보안관을 요구하고 자금을 지원할 것입니다. 빌 페이지 방문 요약 워싱턴의 모든 학교(유치원부터 12학년까지)는 전임 학교 보안 담당자 또는 학교 자원 담당자를 고용해야 하며 그렇게 할 자금이 제공됩니다. ​ 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 이 수준에서 SRO에 자금을 지원한다는 것은 워싱턴 주가 다음에 대해 학교 자금을 제공한다는 것을 의미합니다. 사회복지사보다 4배 이상 많은 SRO ​ 학교 간호사보다 더 많은 SRO 심리학자보다 10배 이상 많은 SRO 초등학교 카운슬러보다 더 많은 SRO 학교 경찰은 유색인종 학생과 장애 학생을 불균형적으로 표적으로 삼습니다. 다른 학생 그룹은 백인 학생보다 훨씬 더 높은 비율로 학교에서 체포되거나 법 집행 기관에 회부되는 유색인종 학생과 같이 불균형한 비율로 경찰을 받습니다. 또한, 장애 비장애 동료보다 거의 3배 더 많은 비율로 체포되거나 법 집행 기관에 회부됩니다. 참조: "School Resource Officers: 치료가 질병보다 더 나쁠 때"​ 추가 정보: ACLU 보고서: 경찰과 상담원 없음​ Brookings 보고서: 형사 사법을 위한 더 나은 경로: 학교에서의 경찰 재검토 ​ ​ 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • HB 1432 and SB 5474 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    하우스 빌 1207 asfd 빌 페이지 방문 요약 예 ​​ 예​ 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 예 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • About this Hub | Youth Advocacy Hub

    우리는 학생이 우선이라고 믿습니다. 그리고 학생들은 교육을 형성하는 정책, 프로세스 및 사람들에 더 많이 접근할 자격이 있습니다. 이 허브는 .... 등의 방법으로 시작되었습니다. League of Education Voters Foundations envisions a system where every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides equitable opportunities for success. College Spark Washington supports the postsecondary dreams of students and their communities through grantmaking focused on dismantling racism in the education system.

  • SB 5311 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    하우스 빌 1207 asfd 빌 페이지 방문 요약 예 ​​ 예​ 요약 예 ​​ 예​ 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 예 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • 2023 Policy Resources | Youth Advocacy Hub

    Young people deserve greater access to the policies, processes, and people shaping their education. POLICY RESOURCES All of the bills below were from the Washington state 2023 legislative session, and they were all discussed and debated by legislators. In every session, there are many opportunities for young people and other advocates to take action and get involved in these issues. These were some bills that may have been of particular interest to young people and others in the education advocacy space. Accountability to Students School-to-Prison Pipeline Student Mental Health Funding Student Needs Inclusive Curriculum Postsecondary Access State Budget (23-25) Senate Bill 5237 [Bill has not progressed] This is a bill about how students and families can file formal complaints at school. Learn More House Bill 1207 [Bill is progressing] This bill is about how schools can better prevent harassment, bullying, and discrimination. Learn More House Bill 1541 [Bill has not progressed] This bill would make sure people with lived experience are better included in government processes. Learn More Eager for more information about a particular education bill or topic? Leave us a message using the red "Contact Us" button, and we will do our best to get you what you need and add requested resources.

  • 2024 Policy Resources | Youth Advocacy Hub

    젊은이들은 교육을 형성하는 정책, 프로세스 및 사람들에 더 많이 접근할 자격이 있습니다. 정책 자원 아래의 모든 법안은 워싱턴 주 2023 입법 세션에서 나온 것이며 현재 입법자들에 의해 논의되고 토론되고 있습니다. 청소년과 기타 옹호자들이 이러한 각 문제에 대해 조치를 취하고 참여할 수 있는 많은 기회가 있습니다. 이들은 교육 옹호 공간에 있는 젊은이들과 다른 사람들이 특히 관심을 가질 수 있는 몇 가지 법안입니다. 이러한 리소스에 대한 추가 업데이트를 자주 확인하십시오. BILLS IN THE 2024 LEGISLATIVE SESSION House Bill 2494 This bill would generate more funding for materials, supplies, and operating costs in schools. This bill is progressing. Learn more House Bill 2180 / Senate Bill 6014 These bills would increase the funded enrollment cap for special education. House Bill 2180 is progressing (the Senate companion is not) Learn more House Bill 1960 / Senate Bill 5882 These bills would increase funding for teaching assistants and/or other staff available to schools. Senate Bill 5882 is progressing (the House companion is not) Learn more Youth Development Budget Proviso This budget proviso would create state funding for before and after school enrichment activities. Parts of this budget request are progressing. Learn more House Bill 2374 This bill establishes the WA promise program. This bill is not progressing. Learn more House Bill 2331 / Senate Bill 6208 These bills aim to restrict book bans in schools and establish procedures for reviewing instructional materials. House Bill 2331 is progressing (the Senate companion is not) Learn more House Bill 2214 / Senate Bill 6300 This bill would make students receiving certain types of food assistance automatically eligible for WA's College Grant. House Bill 2214 is progressing (the Senate companion is not) Learn more House Bill 2309 This bill would create the WA Free Guarantee program to expand free access to community and technical colleges. This bill is not progressing. Learn more Senate Bill 5904 This bill would extend the terms of eligibility for financial aid programs. This bill is progressing. Learn more Senate Bill 5999 This bill would expand eligibility for financial aid. This bill is not progressing. Learn more House Bill 2443 / Senate Bill 6053 This bill would lessen the administrative burden for districts trying to share financial aid opportunities with students. These bills are not progressing. Learn more House Bill 2130 This bill would extend special education services to those who turn 22 in a school year. This bill is not progressing. Learn more Select one or more categories to filter bills. Curriculum & Instruction Funding Postsecondary Access School-to-Prison Pipeline Special Education Student Health & Safety What kinds of bills are you interested in learning more about? 특정 교육 법안이나 주제에 대한 자세한 정보를 원하십니까? 빨간색 "연락처" 버튼을 사용하여 메시지를 남겨주시면 필요한 정보를 얻고 요청된 리소스를 추가할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.

  • SB 5601 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    하우스 빌 1207 asfd 빌 페이지 방문 요약 예 ​​ 예​ 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 예 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • HB 1232 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    하우스 빌 1207 asfd 빌 페이지 방문 요약 예 ​​ 예​ 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 예 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

  • HB 1386 | Youth Advocacy Hub

    하우스 빌 1207 asfd 빌 페이지 방문 요약 예 ​​ 예​ 이 법안에 대해 고려해야 할 사항 예 참여하는 방법 Steps to Get Started Learn where the bill is in the legislative process. If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action. ​ If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators. Spread the word and get other people on board. Participating in a Hearing 채팅 PRO, CON 또는 기타 로그인 This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill. 편집하다 서면 증언 제출 Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing. 동영상 가상으로 증언 Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom. 사용자 증언하다 직접 방문 To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room. Using the WA Legislature Website

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