The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) must create model handbook language for schools to adopt around addressing discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, etc.
This model language includes things like broad school policies, or a uniform complaint procedure.
Schools must include model language on their websites and/or in their published handbooks. They also have to designate someone at the school to be in charge of ensuring schools adopt and publish this language.
Making school policies and complaint procedures known to students and families is an important often overlooked element of establishing strong school cultures. With this, students and families may better understand how to respond to instances of bullying, discrimination, and harassment that may occur.
Schools' accountability to these polices and procedures remains an open question that this bill alone won't address.
Steps to Get Started
Learn where the bill is in the legislative process.
If there is an upcoming hearing, decide how you would like to get your voice heard and take action.
If there is not an upcoming hearing, or if you want to supplement your advocacy, call or write your legislators.
Spread the word and get other people on board.
Participating in a Hearing
Sign in Pro, Con, or Other
This is when individuals, advocates, and organizations make their position on a particular bill known for the record. This is particularly powerful in large numbers. Many organizations will send out Action Alerts asking people to sign in Pro or Con on a bill.
Submit Written Testimony
Submitting written testimony is a great way not only to make your position known, to legislators but also to explain why in more detail. This is a good option if you don't want to speak in front of others. People also like to offer more nuance to their position by writing.
Testify Virtually
Since COVID, many legislators are allowing remote/virtual testimony for bill hearings, as it greatly expands access to the legislative process across the state. For this, individuals usually have between 1-2 minutes to state their opinion on a bill in front of the legislative committee on Zoom.
Testify In Person
To testify on a bill in person, you must travel to Olympia and join the real-time committee hearing on the Capitol campus. You will also get between 1-2 minutes to state your opinion. This is often a powerful way to make an impression on legislators in the room.
Using the WA Legislature Website